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A National RES

Many states have had success in renewable energy development because of requirements set forth in their own renewable energy standards (RES) sometimes called renewable portfolio standards (RPS). Texas for example set a standard that they have had to go back and increase because of the overwhelming development seen recently. Texas' original RES called for 5880 MW of renewable energy to be produced by 2015; currently Texas has over 8000MW of renewable capacity.

This afternoon AWEA presented a Webinar looking at the benefits of a National RES, which would help to reach the nation's goal of 25% renewable electricity by 2025. You can find their recent publication Wind Energy for a New Era at The document provides recommendations for political leaders concerning legislative priorities developed by the wind industry.

Some of those priorities have already been accomplished. Identified as an immediate impact priority, restructuring of the Production Tax Credit (PTC) can be checked off the do to list. Another priority that can be checked off is one the wind industry identified as a short term impact; legislation has been passed allowing a multi year PTC extension. Those priorities which have yet to be "checked off the list" are separated into two categories: mid-term and long-term impacts. A National RES and transmission legislation are listed under the mid-term impacts and effective carbon regulation is listed under long term.

So why is a National RES so important? Some of the benefits that were outlined in the Webinar included that it would: save consumers money and protect against fuel price spikes, spur economic development, and reduce carbon emissions. Looking more closely at each of these benefits, a National RES would save American consumers up to $100 billion in lower energy bills. In relation to economic development, 20% renewable energy by 2020 would support 500,000 direct and indirect jobs in the wind industry. And, CO2 emissions would be cut down by 12% by 2020 if the 25% by 2025 were met.

A National RES would also help to provide assurance to those looking to invest in renewables as this type of legislation would send a strong signal that as a nation we are committed to this endeavor. There is currently legislation in both the Senate and House that address renewables and their contribution to the future of energy production.

The general idea presented is that a National RES would keep our nation on track with meeting our current renewable energy goals.


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